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Gold Nuggets



Gold Deposit Locating Services

GeoModel, Inc. can locate geologic deposits that might be gold-bearing.

GeoModel, Inc. has over 50 years of combined experience and the latest geophysical equipment to locate gold-bearing deposits.

Proper Geologic Knowledge and Good Geophysical Surveying can make the difference between success or failure of your gold mining operation.

GeoModel, Inc. has Licensed, Professional Geologists with Master's Degrees in Geology to assist your company in locating possible gold-bearing deposits, possible placer gold deposits, and potential areas for gold mining operations.

In addition to Geological expertise, GeoModel, Inc. has an array of geophysical instruments that can indirectly locate gold by locating Geological Structures that may be potential Gold-Bearing Deposits. These indirect geophysical methods are Electromagnetic Conductivity (EM) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).

GeoModel GPRGeoModel GPR

Methods for Locating Gold-Bearing Deposits

Electromagnetic Conductivity (EM) measures the conductivity of subsurface deposits. Changes (or anomalous conditions) in the conductivity of subsurface deposits may indicate areas where gold is more likely to be located. The change may be an increase or decrease in conductivity depending on the materials in the ground.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) provides a cross-sectional profile of the subsurface soil and rock layers in your mining area. In areas of sand and gravel, GPR can look beneath the ground surface to find former geological features that might trap gold, such as buried stream channels or potential waterfall "glory holes". Also, geologic structures, such as gold-bearing fault zones, can be located with GPR if the fault zone is large enough.


Applications of Electromagnetic (Terrain) Conductivity (EM) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Surveying Procedures:

anomalous geologic areas
buried stream channels (paleochannels) that may contain placer gold deposits
sand versus clay deposits or units
waterfall areas that may have concentrated "glory holes"
bedrock fractures that may contain gold-bearing veins

GeoModel 3-D EM Contour Map/Visualization


GeoModel, Inc.'s geophysicists can perform EM or GPR surveys anywhere. Survey costs are reasonable.

Electromagnetic Conductivity (EM) Survey Services:

Electromagnetic conductivity (EM) provides an indirect method for locating gold-bearing deposits. Variations in ground electromagnetic conductivity can be used to detect geologic changes in the subsurface. GeoModel, Inc.'s professional geologists look at the relative ground conductivities, the geologic structure, and patterns in the ground conductivity readings to determine the most likely locations for gold prospecting.

Hand-Carried EM Surveys

GeoModel, Inc.'s EM conductivity instruments measure ground conductivity to a depth of approximately 20 feet (6 meters).

Hand-carried shallow (EM) electromagnetic (terrain) conductivity survey

In the photo above, the EM conductivity meter is being hand-carried to investigate the area for potential buried geologic features that may contain gold-bearing deposits.

Buried stream channels, that gold prospectors are looking for, typically have lower conductivity than the subsurface soil and rock deposits outside of the stream channel, which is measured by the EM instrument.

Terrain (Electromagnetic) Conductivity (EM) Instrument passing over a buried stream channel that may contain gold-bearing placer deposits

The diagram above illustrates a possible EM meter response to a buried stream channel that may contain gold-bearing placer deposits.

Vehicle-Towed EM Survey using GPS

The photo below shows GeoModel, Inc.'s vehicle-towed EM conductivity meter which can be used to investigate an area for potential gold-bearing deposits.

Vehicle-towed EM survey


In the photo below, the EM instrument is being pulled by an ATV. This method can be used to survey for potential gold-bearing deposits in remote areas with uneven terrain.

EM trailer pulled by an ATV


The color contour map (below) indicates high conductivity areas (red to magenta colors) and lower conductivity values (blue and green colors). These conductivity variations represent changes in the subsurface, such as clay versus sand (potential gold-bearing deposits), differences in moisture content, or changes in geologic rock structure.

EM Conductivity color contour map produced from data obtained with the EM instrument

GeoModel, Inc.'s vehicle-towed EM instruments can cover large areas in one day. The anomalous conductivity areas can be interpreted in real-time and marked in the field, or the field measurements can be saved on a field data logger for later downloading to a computer for data processing, color contouring, and geologic interpretation.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey Services:

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) provides an indirect method for locating gold-bearing deposits. Variations (anomalies) in the subsurface can be used to detect geologic structural changes in the subsurface. GeoModel, Inc.'s professional geologists look at the GPR data profiles (cross-sections) on the GPR computer screen in real-time in the field, or back in the GeoModel, Inc,. office. They look for patterns in the GPR data that represent the geologic structure of the subsurface strata to determine the most likely locations for gold prospecting, such as paleochannels or fault zones.

GPR Surveys for Locating Shallow Gold-Bearing Deposits

Shallow ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys are conducted by one person, hand-towing or ATV-towing the antenna.

Shallow GPR surveys can reach depths of up to 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters).


Shallow Hand-towed GPRPossible Placer Deposits in Sand Lenses located with shallow GPR

Shallow Hand-Towed Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (Above Left) and GPR Image of Sand Lenses That May Contain Gold Placer Deposits, Overlying Clay Soils (Above Right)


GPR Surveys for Locating Deep Gold-Bearing Deposits

Deep ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys are conducted with a low-frequency GPR antenna.
Depths of up to 30 feet can be obtained in sandy soils with a low-frequency 200-MHz antenna.

Deep Vehicle-towed GPRBuried stream channel - more potential for a placer gold deposit

Deep Vehicle-Towed Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (Above Left) and GPR Image of Dry Stream Channel with Higher Potential for Gold-Bearing Placer Deposits (Above Right)

GeoModel, Inc. Geologists

Matthew Turner - Geologist/Geomorphologist NAU

Matthew Turner, P.G. - Mr. Turner, shown at right operating the shallow EM instrument, has over 30 years of geological experience conducting geophysical surveys to locate geological deposits. He has a Master's Degree in Geology specializing in Geomorphology, the study of present landforms and how they relate to underlying structures, and includes those features developed by erosion and deposition. He has been interviewed on Fox News by Greta Van Susteren, and has been interviewed for the CNN Wolf Blitzer News show, about the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).


Paula Shrout Turner - Geologist/Geochemist WVU and FHSU in Alaska

Paula Turner, P.G. - Paula, shown at right, has over 20 years of professional geological experience using geophysical instruments and interpreting geophysical data. Paula has a Master's Degree in Geology with emphasis on Geochemistry, the study of the distribution and amounts of chemical elements in minerals, ores, rocks, soils, water, and the atmosphere. Paula has interpreted ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic conductivity, and resistivity data for GeoModel, Inc. projects. Paula is an expert in producing 3-D color visualizations of geophysical data and can import them into ArcGIS maps.


Company Background

GeoModel, Inc. was founded in 1991 as a geophysical survey services and environmental and geological consulting firm. The company principals have over 50 years of combined experience in the geophysical surveying, geological, and environmental fields and have conducted numerous EM and GPR surveys worldwide. All projects are conducted or supervised by registered professional geologists with Master's degrees.

GeoModel, Inc. conducts surveys in every state.

Click on the email link below to contact one of our professional geologists


e-mail: E-mail for gold